Künstlerhaus Lukas is one of the oldest artists’ residences in Germany. Its history dates back to the 19th century. Today, the listed studio house built by Paul Müller-Kaempff is an internationally active funding organisation for artistic practice in the fields of visual arts, performing arts, literature and music, as well as a forum for current artistic and humanities discourse. The traditional scholarship centre on the Baltic Sea supports professional artists of all ages with residency scholarships. The Künstlerhaus offers the scholarship holders a time of special quality – a free space for artistic practice and reflection and transdisciplinary dialogue.
The international artist-in-residence programme of Künstlerhaus Lukas focuses on the Baltic Sea region and Northern Europe. Every two years, residency scholarships are awarded in Ahrenshoop as flexible scholarships from 14 days to 3 months – depending on the scope of the work project and personal circumstances. In addition, short-term scholarships of one month are offered at international partner institutions in the Baltic Sea region. In addition to focussing on cooperation in the Baltic Sea region, Künstlerhaus Lukas also attaches great importance to promoting curatorial projects at the interface between art and ecology. In cooperation with the Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop – the forum for external representation of Künstlerhaus Lukas – a specially established curatorial scholarship promotes the artistic examination of ecological issues and social transformation processes.
Promoting artistic freedom and protecting the autonomy of art characterises the basic attitude of Künstlerhaus Lukas. In the day-to-day activities of the Künstlerhaus, this means No pressure to produce or represent, openness to the individual artistic projects of the scholarship holders and cooperative development of the programmes. This open attitude towards the scholarship holders and art is the prerequisite for the Künstlerhaus to be an incubator for contemporary art, a laboratory for virulent contemporary issues and a thinking space that enables its guests to engage in a highly productive and equal exchange.